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Migrate to Liquibase

Liquigraph has reached EOL and is now superseded by the Neo4j plugin for Liquibase.

Since this is a one-off task, the migration utility is only exposed through the CLI and the Maven plugin.


The migration utility does not support Liquigraph postconditions. If you are in such a situation, please raise an issue. We will take it from there.


This requires the latest version of Liquigraph (at least 4.0.6).

🎬 Action!

Adapt the following examples to your setup (path to change log, URI, username, password). You may also add comma-separated execution contexts with --execution-contexts if needed.


The --delete flag removes the entire Liquigraph history graph from your database. Use it like below once you validated the migration works for you.

liquigraph migrate-to-liquibase \
    --changelog liquigraph.xml \
    --url jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost \
    --username neo4j \
    --password s3cr3t \
    --delete \
    # resulting Liquibase file
    --file ./liquibase.xml
./liquigraph.bat migrate-to-liquibase \
    --changelog liquigraph.xml \
    --url jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost \
    --username neo4j \
    --password s3cr3t \
    --delete \
    # resulting Liquibase file
    --file ./liquibase.xml
./ migrate-to-liquibase \
    --changelog liquigraph.xml \
    --url jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost \
    --username neo4j \
    --password s3cr3t \
    --delete \
    # resulting Liquibase file
    --file ./liquibase.xml

You first need to configure your pom.xml as follows:

        <!-- resulting Liquibase file -->

Now run: mvn compile liquigraph:migrate-to-liquibase. The resulting file is in target/.

You should see that a new file named liquibase.xml has been generated with changeSet elements inside. Here is the example of an output based on a migration tutorial.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:pro="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <changeSet author="florent-biville" context="foo,bar" id="sentence-initialization" objectQuotingStrategy="LEGACY" runOnChange="true">
        <sql splitStatements="true" stripComments="false">CREATE (n:Sentence {text:"Hello monde!"})</sql>
    <changeSet author="florent-biville" context="bar,baz" id="sentence-correction" objectQuotingStrategy="LEGACY" runAlways="true">
        <preConditions onError="HALT" onFail="HALT" onSqlOutput="IGNORE">
                <sqlCheck expectedResult="true">RETURN false AS result</sqlCheck>
                    <sqlCheck expectedResult="true">RETURN true AS result</sqlCheck>
                    <sqlCheck expectedResult="true">RETURN true AS result</sqlCheck>
        <sql splitStatements="true" stripComments="false">MATCH (n:Sentence {text:"Hello monde!"}) SET n.text="Hello world!"</sql>

This is the Liquibase XML equivalent of Liquigraph XML migrations.

Running the query MATCH (n) RETURN n should yield a history graph similar to this:

Liquibase migration results

🥳 Congratulations!

You are now a Liquibase user!

⭐️ Feel free to star the Liquibase Neo4j repository.

📕 You can also follow the embedded tutorial in the repository README to learn more about Liquibase and the Neo4j plugin.